A computer generated image of what Lichfield Street could look like.
Latest news
Darlington Street works (January to July 2025)
The first works between the Chapel Ash Island and Red Lion Street junctions are expected to last for around six months, subject to weather conditions. They will involve excavation and installation of new paving on north and south footways.
Businesses open as usual
Businesses in Darlington Street will remain open as usual during city centre improvement works. Pedestrian access to businesses will be maintained at all times during business hours.
Vehicular diversion
A temporary road closure will be in place along lower Darlington Street with a clearly signed vehicular diversion route in place. To get from the Chapel Ash Island to the Waterloo Rd/School St junction on Darlington St please follow Ring Road St Andrews and Waterloo Rd and vice versa.
The two bus stops within the road closure will be suspended and people will be signposted to alternative stops on Waterloo Road, School Street and the upper part of Darlington Street. Services will come into the city centre via Salop Street; and services will exit the city centre via Waterloo Road and Ring Road.
Affected services:
National Express: Services 1, 3, 4, 10, 10A and 711
Arriva: Service 9
Select: Service 876
Banga: Service 891
Diamond: Service 63
Map (PDF 546kb)
Updates from site
To get updates from the team you can also access the Sway Newsletter at Wolverhampton City Centre Improvement Scheme .
Overall Scheme
Further investment in the city centre Public Realm will create a significantly improved pedestrian and cycling environment, with greater connectivity between future developments and existing city centre sites such as the city’s transport Interchange.
It forms part of the next phase of City of Wolverhampton Council’s city centre improvement programme and will reshape Lichfield Street, Queen Square and Darlington Street.
Work on the first two phases of the city centre improvement programme in the Victoria Street and University of Wolverhampton at The Halls (formerly Civic Halls) areas have been completed and have seen several events staged in the new spaces, increasing city centre footfall and economic spend - and attracting new investment such as Superbowl UK coming to the Mander Centre units off Victoria Street.
The £19 million transformation scheme has been made possible thanks to successful bids by the council for central Government funding specifically outlined for regeneration and transport infrastructure projects such as this. It includes a combination of £3million from the Towns Fund, £13.5million from the West Midlands Combined Authority’s City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) fund and £2.6million from the Active Travel Fund.
It follows extensive consultation with businesses, the public and stakeholders.
Aims of the project
The completed scheme will deliver high-quality improvements to the city centre, with the aim to stimulate more visitors and spend with businesses and act as catalyst for investment, while contributing to creating a pleasant environment to support and encourage healthy city living lifestyles for residents.
The project aims to deliver:
- Improvement of routes between future developments and existing city centre sites
- Wider footpaths to improve pedestrian experience and enable hospitality businesses to offer outdoor seating
- Repositioned and improved bus stops provision in the area and coach stops to serve the Grand Theatre
- A two-way continuous cycle route and one-way bus and taxi access (westbound)
- New, improved and protected events and activities spaces
- Dedicated information point at ‘01902’ unit in Queen Square
Taylor Woodrow has been appointed as the principal contractor to deliver this phase of City of Wolverhampton Council’s city centre transformation.
Duration of works
The works will start in early 2025 and will be carried out in phases along the area, with the entire scheme expected to last for two and a half years, including pauses in the works for key city centre events and during Christmas periods.
As with any highway works of this scale, some level of disruption will unfortunately be inevitable while we deliver these much-needed improvements. We will ensure this disruption is kept to a minimum for local businesses and residents.
Key milestones
- Design & Stakeholder Development - 2022 to 2024
- Construction works commence Q1 2025
- Project completion – Q2 2027