Explore opportunities and investment potential
The Wolverhampton Investment Prospectus is a live, interactive digital resource presenting an ambitious vision of how the city can grow, highlighting opportunities to build on the private and public investment which is driving regeneration projects citywide. The Prospectus is regularly updated to ensure that it is always reflective of changes in project development and delivery, the economy and the needs of businesses and residents.
The Prospectus is commercially informed and endorsed by private and public sector partners including ION Developments, Glancy Nicholls Architects and Homes England.
City of Wolverhampton Council is working closely with partners and stakeholders and welcomes active participation to continue shaping the online document, so it encompasses further changes in project development and delivery.
We're committed to working with potential investors and developers to bring these exciting propositions to life. We’ll support you with strong, consistent and innovative city leadership. So bring your business to the city of opportunity.
View the Wolverhampton Investment ProspectusLets Talk...
Chris Kirkland, Head of City Investment, City of Wolverhampton Council
Email: Christopher.Kirkland@wolverhampton.gov.uk
City Centre Opportunities

This map includes concept layouts and buildings on opportunities sites to stimulate discussion on how to deliver the vision for the city, it does not represent a fixed proposal or plan.