Full works start on Library and Adult Education facilities as part of City Learning Quarter scheme
Released: 13 November 2024

Full works are underway to deliver major improvements to the city centre’s Central Library and Adult Education Wolverhampton facilities as part of the £61 million-Phase Two City Learning Quarter development.
City of Wolverhampton Council has tasked Speller Metcalfe with completing the scheme after they successfully carried out enabling works and developed detailed designs under a pre-construction contract.
The Central Library plans will see public facilities enhanced and include the restoration of the Grade II*-listed building’s façade on Snow Hill, a new roof, internal remodelling, new rear entrance lobby and landscaping.
Adult Education Wolverhampton’s Alan Garner Centre on Old Hall Street will also undergo internal remodelling and the construction of a two-storey glazed link building to connect it directly to Central Library’s 1930s extension.
This will create a modernised, reconfigured and accessible, digitally enabled Central Library for the public and an expanded centralised Adult Education provision that meets post-16 learner and employer demands.
The improved Central Library and Adult Education Wolverhampton facilities will sit alongside a new state-of-the-art education facility for City of Wolverhampton College currently being constructed by McLaughlin & Harvey on the site of the college’s former Metro One campus and land on the corner of Garrick Street and Bilston Street, where the Faces nightclub building once stood.
Central Library and Adult Education Wolverhampton will continue to operate throughout the duration of the works, which are expected to be completed around the end of 2025.
The council’s Cabinet Member for City Development, Jobs and Skills, Councillor Chris Burden, said: “Following a successful pre-construction period, Speller Metcalfe will deliver the full programme of improvements to the public facilities at our historic Central Library and the Adult Education building.
“These two components are an important part of our City Learning Quarter Phase Two vision to co-locate new state-of-the-art facilities in the city centre and improve life chances for people of all ages through learning, apprenticeship and employment offers.
“The restoration and development of the Grade II*-listed library will enhance the offer for current users of its services and attract new users.
“The inspirational environment created by the City Learning Quarter will also offer excellent connectivity to rail, bus, tram and cycle routes.”
Ninder Johal, Chair of Wolverhampton’s City Investment Board, said: “This investment is hugely important to ensuring the city’s Central Library and Adult Education facilities are the best they can be.
“It is part of a City Learning Quarter masterplan that is going to deliver an outstanding education and skills offer and enhanced public facilities for the people of Wolverhampton.”
Speller Metcalfe this summer completed work on Phase One of the council’s City Learning Quarter masterplan - a new £8.1 million Advanced Technology and Automotive Centre at City of Wolverhampton College’s Wellington Road campus in Bilston - which was funded by West Midlands Combined Authority and is now open to students.
Matthew Bailey, Director at Speller Metcalfe said: "We're pleased to be continuing Speller Metcalfe's contribution to the City Learning Quarter vision with City of Wolverhampton Council. The improvements to the historic Central Library and Adult Education building are set to make a positive impact for the community of Wolverhampton."
The exciting City Learning Quarter Phase Two development is being supported by around £50 million Government funding, plus contributions from the college and council.
It will pave the way for City of Wolverhampton College to move from its out-dated Paget Road site, which has been identified as land to build much-needed housing.
The college forecasts that over a 10-year period approximately 45,000 people will benefit from learning at the City Learning Quarter and around 7,500 apprenticeships will be started.
Its central location and close proximity to the new £150 million transport interchange will make it easily accessible. It will also boast environmental benefits in line with council’s climate emergency agenda.